Lost & FOUND!
Scrolling through the “black hole” a.k.a. Instagram… I saw this post. I don’t know this guy, but the story caught my attention.
I LOVE testimonies! They increase faith and I know that what God has done for someone else… He can do for me! So I took this principle home and challenged my family. Let’s pray for something that we’ve lost. God knows right where it is.
Rewind two months ago when Zoey noticed that one of her diamond earrings was missing from her ear. Since we had just moved 1500 miles, I filed it in the “never to be seen again” category.
But GOD…
So that night, I began to pray that we would find Zoey’s earring. I knew God could part the Red Sea on His day off, but could He really help us find a tiny little earring? It’s as if I heard God say “challenge accepted!”
A few days later the cold temp of 85 degrees here in Houston warranted family time in the hot tub. Zion was swimming around and came up from the bottom WITH THE EARRING (but no diamond), then he looked again and found THE DIAMOND right away!!!!!!
I was laughing and could feel God smiling back!
SO here it is… the dime is for reference of how small this item actually is. But NOTHING is too small or insignificant for God to find. Because it was never lost to Him in the first place!
How can this testimony spur you on to pray for someone or something that you feel is lost? God knows just where “it” is and He’d love to reveal it to you! He’ll leave the 99 to find THE ONE!