In a nutshell...
I love family, helping people live in more freedom, sushi, wine, chai lattes, naps and a whole lotta JESUS!
I believe WHOLENESS is found in a healthy mind, body, and spirit.
“Beloved friend, I pray that you are prospering in every way and that you continually enjoy good health, just as your soul is prospering.”
3 John 1:2 TPT
All photos provided by awesomeness.us
I don't just love dance parties in my mini-van. I love ice cream in a waffle cone. I believe life is supposed to be FUN and full of surprises.
And yes, I wear a banana clip when I get fancy.
LOVE is my superPOWER!
I love Jesus! I love the Church! I love The Bible and I’m ready to see generations of people who are healthy in spirit, mind, body and EVERY aspect of life. I am someone who was raised in the church, went to a Christian college, worked at a Christian camp and would have bought a Christian car if I could’ve found one ; ) I’ve memorized parts of the Bible and done all the church things. I knew Jesus, but couldn’t understand what to do and how to get through different seasons of my life. For example- what do you do when your wonderful Christ-centered marriage just isn’t working the way you thought it should? Or what do you do when the child you are supposed to protect, runs away, and doesn’t want to be with you anymore?
These and thousands of other questions have lingered in my heart. I’ve wondered how to apply spiritual truths to my actual life. How do I respond to pain, betrayal, rejection, and the not fun stuff of life? Are all the promises in the Bible for “everyone else”? How do I remain full of hope when the pain feels suffocating? Is God afraid of my pain?
Through years of questioning, searching, counseling and breakthrough, I’m ready to partner with a dream I had where I believe The Lord invited me to “go public” with my life. To put on display the messy and the miraculous. I’m a lot excited and a little scared to “pull back the curtain” on my life and share the good, the bad, and the ugly. My breakthrough is your breakthrough. Everything I’ve learned, I want to share. My ceiling can be your floor.
I feel like I’m Rebecca 2.0. Are you ready for the best version of yourself?
These people have my heart. We LOVE being TOGETHER!
We mostly laugh. Sometimes cry, at least my hubby does. Shhhh ; )
Usually my husband is the one taking the pics... but because we sleep together, sometimes I get to grab the camera at photo shoots.
Check out our work at awesomeness.us
This photo captures their personalities perfectly!
Ezra is Mr. Style and is planning to own the world's first trillion dollar business someday.
If hoverboarding were an olympic sport... Zion would be a gold medalist. He always has a new joke or magic trick to share .
To know Zoey is to love her. Her smile is contagious and she always has something encouraging & thoughtful to say.
I'm pretty sure I would love to live on the road. I love new places, new foods, new adventures, and most of all... meeting new people!
Some of my favs are Cabo, New York, Ireland, France, Aruba, Bakersfield (just seeing if you are paying attention) and part of my heart lives in Maui!
Bon Voyage!
Ask me to speak about:
Thriving in Transition
Freedom from Fear
Identity in Christ
Wholeness (in Body, Mind and Spirit)
Processing Pain
Practical Parenting
Can I join you for your next event ??
Yes, I love to talk. But more than that, I love to share good news and stories of transformation from my own life. I love to engage with others face-to-face, not just through a screen. My passion is not just to teach a "good message" that entertains people... but rather to share out of the overflow of my relationship with God (a.k.a. Perfect Love). My goal with speaking opportunities is that each person in attendance would have an encounter with The Lord and walk away more impressed with who God is, not anyone on stage.
"She is the best wife I’ve ever had!”
- Rebecca’s Husband
“We totally ENJOYED Rebecca as a speaker for our recent women’s event! I had never met her personally nor had I heard her speak. A former colleague had recommended her to me. I have to tell you it felt risky to me to have someone come and speak that I had not heard before. We enjoyed a FaceTime conversation and it put some of that to rest; however, there were still the questions: Can she present? and Will she connect with our ladies? Rebecca totally exceeded my greatest expectations!
I am still in awe. Rebecca hears from and knows how to speak for God. I found her perfect blend of the Word of God and personal stories challenging and entertaining. I would highly recommend her to you as a speaker! ”
“Rebecca is the one you are looking for. She is fun, she’s dynamic, she’s eager for the Lord, she’s intelligent, she’s passionate, she’s authentic and transparent. She’s the real deal. What I value is ‘in your face, with love and humor.’ That’s Rebecca. She understands what it means to be human yet she also knows the greatness we were destined for. If you are looking for a speaker who will motivate as well as educate, she’s your girl. I can’t recommend her highly enough. I’m so proud of her, who she is and what she does for the kingdom.”
“Her love, passion and dedication to communicate God’s truth in realistic ways are contagious. It is clear that Rebecca is gifted in communicating God’s love and we all left feeling that we are enough in Christ and are daughters of a Mighty King. I would love to have Rebecca back anytime.”
“Rebecca shared her testimony with us and had us laughing and crying throughout. But, most importantly, she was honest with us. It was honestly one of the best events we’ve had because we had all ages of women able to relate to a common message and come together. We can’t wait to have her back!”
“Every time I think of Rebecca, I get a huge smile on my face when I think of the JOY she exudes through her life, her speaking, and her relationship with the Lord. Rebecca communicates the truth of God’s Word through her passionate and personal style. You cannot listen to her share without realizing that she has a huge heart for people to experience the intimacy and freedom found only in a relationship with Jesus Christ. Rebecca speaks with her own brand of transparency, humor and solid biblical truth. I am confident that her message resonates with people of all ages and life experiences.”
“Rebecca Hoehne is a dynamic speaker with an incredible gift! She spoke at our Women’s Retreat and had every lady in the room captivated from beginning to end. She is real, funny, energetic, and most importantly, deeply in love with Jesus. She has an amazing ability to teach the Word of God in a simple yet heart-felt way. It was obvious that women left changed because Rebecca allowed the Lord to speak through her.”
“She brought her humor, passion, honesty and the exact words we needed to hear that morning. She has a commanding presence and a familiar way about her that makes you feel as though you’re listening to your best friend. She spoke with confidence, passion and with a knowledge that her words were directly from the Lord. I would recommend Rebecca to anyone who is interested in hearing her inspiring word; from groups that could fill an auditorium, to a small room filled with weary moms, she is the one for you!”
“Rebecca came to speak at our MOPS group this fall. She spoke with words of truth, authenticity and humor. It was very clear that Rebecca is very passionate and gifted in communicating God’s heart in a relatable and encouraging way. We would welcome Rebecca back anytime to speak into the lives of the women in our group”