Life is unpredictable - your emotions don’t have to be. Join me as we upgrade our thinking in a fun and encouraging environment. At the end of 6 weeks, you’ll have tools to:
Forgive the Unforgivable
Have Victory over Codependency
Freedom from Shame and Fear
Take Ownership over your Life
Find your Voice and Power in Every Situation
Are you Ready to Master your inner world?
Parenting Class
If there’s one group of people that could use an upgrade in their thinking … it’s parents! Can i get an amen?! After this 6 week class you’ll have tools to:
Spiritually parent your kids
Raise connected and powerful children
Create connection with your kids, rather than control
Raise kids who are emotionally aware and can change the world around them
Get ready to find PEACE again!
Marriage class
We’re not trying to impress anybody - so there will be no embellishing of our often inappropriate and always inspiring marriage stories. we’re pulling back the curtain on our 20 years of marriage and sharing how we upgraded our thinking through the good, the bad and the ugly. At the end of this 6 week class you’ll walk away with tools to:
Cultivate a powerful and healthy marriage
Utilize FUN as a weapon
Lean into each other’s strengths, rather than competing
Communicate in a way that helps you connect and correct
Actually want to spend time together and dream big
From the Friend Zone to the End Zone! Let’s do this!
A class for Young People and the people who love them
Join Ezra Hoehne (age: 18) and his mom, Rebecca (age: timeless) as we share how God met us in this season and the tools He gave us to upgrade our thinking which led to some massive breakthrough! At the end of this 6 week class you’ll have tools to:
Identify LIES you believe and how to replace it with TRUTH that sets you free
Have a heart to Heart connection with your teen
See how connection with your kids is more powerful than trying to manage behavior
Wholeness in body, spirit, and mind
Be firmly rooted in your identity in Christ
Get ready to enjoy the sweet spot of your parenting journey!
Health & Fitness CLASS
Let’s journey together to upgrade your thinking when it comes to your mind and body. At the end of 6 weeks,you’ll
Know the effects food has on your body
Reduce the use of processed food in your day
Have a healthier self- image
Understand emotional eating
Have healthy recipes that you actually want to eat
be loving FUN workouts that help you get your sweat on
feel confident in your own body!