Here’s the one question I ask my kids EVERY day!

“What are you looking forward to today?”


This is the question I ask myself and my kids every morning.


I do this for 3 reasons:


  1. This question creates EXPECTANCY! Our expectations determine our experience. When my daughter verbally communicates that she is looking forward to PE today, she  is creating an expectation that something good will happen. This expectation is like a self fulfilling prophesy. Good or bad.

  2. When we identify something(s) that we are looking forward to… HOPE is ignited! Hope is the joyful expectation of GOOD! HOPE says, “pain is only temporary, goodness and mercy follow me everywhere I go.”

  3. How my children respond to this question lets me know what is important to them. I make a mental note, then it’s on my radar to ask follow up questions about later. This is one way we can build connection with those we love.

Try it! Connect with your loved ones by asking what they are looking forward to!

YOU ARE LOVED more than you’ll ever know❤️

